We’ve been encouraging you to channel your demands for justice to Washington and we’re already seeing results. Since the launch of KONY 2012, a bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives introduced the Kony 2012 resolution into Congress and it has roughly 100 cosponsors. This is remarkable – a true sign that your voices are powerful – but we still have a long way to go.
Make it your mission to get all three of your members of Congress (your two Senators and your one Representative) to cosponsor the Kony 2012 resolution. Here’s how you can do that:
Step 1: Take 30 seconds to EMAIL your members of Congress.**Note: Here’s a list of every member of Congress who has already cosponsored the resolution. If any of your representatives are on this list, make sure to call their office and thank them.
Step 2: Take one minute to CALL your members of Congress.
You have the ability to move things in Washington and help see LRA violence ended once and for all - if you choose to use your voice. Here’s your chance.
If the links above are unavailable for some reason, use your zip code to Google your Members of Congress. They purposely make it easy for you to send messages, find their phone numbers, and find their mailing addresses. Call, tweet, message, and write physical letters to your members of Congress on Thursday, April 19.
Calling your representatives is easy
There is no need to be nervous. It’s their job to listen to what you care about. The points below will help guide you, but speak from the heart, too. And be respectful–it makes a huge difference.
Call the number and say:That’s really it!
• Your name
• Why stopping LRA violence matters to you and what you’ve been doing to help.
• You want your member of Congress to cosponsor the Kony 2012 Congressional Resolution.
• Your zip code
Write to your members of Congress
You can use the template below, but feel free to personalize it. Write your letters on Thursday with the date “April 20, 2012″, and drop them in the mail on Friday.
Dear Senator/Representative___,
I am very concerned about the violence that Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) are committing against civilians in Central Africa.
This issue has become very important to me and I’m committed to do what I can to help see LRA violence ended and Joseph Kony brought to justice this year.
As my representative in Washington, I ask you join with me in helping to make that happen. Please cosponsor H. Res. 583 / S. Res. 402, and work with countries in Central Africa and around the world to stop LRA violence.
Thank you.
[your name], [your zip code]
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