Friday, April 20, 2012

Kicking off Cover the Night: a global day of action to promote justice for Joseph Kony

Our Liberty is Bound Together mural

The original goal of Cover the Night, as introduced in the viral KONY 2012 video, was to make Joseph Kony famous. That happened in a matter of days thanks to millions of people around the world who shared the KONY 2012 films. The event has expanded into a global day of action, embodied by the idea that our liberty is bound together and that the human connection extends around the globe, but starts across the street.
Already this week, thousands of Kony 2012 supporters have contacted the African Union, the United Nations, global leaders, and heads of state, asking them to support international efforts to end LRA violence.
And today, April 20, 2012, people all around the world will be serving their local communities and promoting justice for Joseph Kony in creative and constructive ways.

Cover the Night: Advocacy for U.S. citizens

writing lettersThe end of LRA violence will only come as the result of increased support to the existing international effort. We’re coordinating our efforts so that local, national, and global leaders will coordinate theirs. Because when they agree, change can happen.
We’ve been encouraging you to channel your demands for justice to Washington and we’re already seeing results. Since the launch of KONY 2012, a bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives introduced the Kony 2012 resolution into Congress and it has roughly 100 cosponsors. This is remarkable – a true sign that your voices are powerful – but we still have a long way to go.
Make it your mission to get all three of your members of Congress (your two Senators and your one Representative) to cosponsor the Kony 2012 resolution. Here’s how you can do that: